Photography Activities for Kids

With summer here, I know it can be challenging to find new and exciting things to do with the kiddos. But never fear! I stumbled upon this post offering some great photography activities to do with them! It will be fun for them and could encourage learning as well. To read the article, click the image below.

Tampa Photographer’s Fun Fact Friday

Since the 4th on July is on Friday this week, I decided to do our normal "Fun Fact Friday" on this fine Thursday instead! And this week, it's all about me.. Kristin! One thing I love to do..wait for karaoke. I hardly ever get embarrassed so it is my time to act super silly and sing some classics (although, I am an okay singer..but let's leave that for another FFF..maybe I'll even add a video). Some of my go-to favorites? Journey- Don't...

813-503-5056 305 S MacDill Ave, Tampa, Florida 33609