Tampa Photographer’s Fun Fact Friday

This week's Fun Fact Friday is all about me, Kristin! One thing about me that people might not know (most probably do though..) is that I have two cats! Andi calls me a cat lady, well actually, everyone calls me a cat lady...but that's okay with me. I just so happened to find both of these little stray babies when I wasn't even looking for pets (isn't that how it always happens?). So now, they are with me for good. I can't complain though- they...

Tampa Photographer’s Fun Fact Friday

This week's Fun Fact Friday is about the boss lady, Andi! During Andi's senior year of high school, she skipped homecoming to camp out for tickets to see U2's "One" tour in concert.  Sure enough, they got tickets and she sat 2nd row, center stage right next to "The Edge". One thing she keeps as a memento is her concert tee (which is at least 3 sizes too large..basically a moo-moo). In memory of this amazing time, we dedicated a day in the...

Tampa Photographer’s Fun Fact Friday

Since the 4th on July is on Friday this week, I decided to do our normal "Fun Fact Friday" on this fine Thursday instead! And this week, it's all about me.. Kristin! One thing I love to do..wait for it...is karaoke. I hardly ever get embarrassed so it is my time to act super silly and sing some classics (although, I am an okay singer..but let's leave that for another FFF..maybe I'll even add a video). Some of my go-to favorites? Journey- Don't...

Tampa Photographer’s Fun Fact Friday

This Fun Fact Friday is all about the boss, Andi! Her favorite food just so happens to be...sushi! Her favorite place to get it in Tampa is SOHO Sushi and her favorite roll is the lemon salmon zest...aka. her dessert roll! Want to get on Andi's good side? Now you know...get the woman sushi! You're welcome.  

Tampa Photographer’s Fun Fact Friday

This week's fun fact Friday is all about me, Kristin! One thing about me that most people don't know is that I have a really good photographic memory. I absolutely think it was the only reason I survived high school because I used to HATE studying. I am good at memorizing numbers, words, spelling, equations, you name it- all by taking a good look over it for a couple minutes. I can close my eyes and remember the exact order, wording, or...

813-503-5056 andi@andidiamond.com 305 S MacDill Ave, Tampa, Florida 33609