Awaiting “The Evil Queen” – Tampa Newborn Photos

Or at least that is how her big brother, Logan, refers to her.  He doesn't mean anything mean by it.  You see, he is 3, and Disney is his most favorite place in the whole, wide world.  So it is appropriate that he refer to his baby sister as "The Evil Queen", right?  For the rest of us, we will call her Layne.  Though I will call her Laynie.  After all, I call her mom, Bud- and have done so since the 10th grade.  Long story, but it has...

Tampa Workshop – Take Better Pictures of Your Kids

The workshop is quickly approaching and I am very excited!  Join Andi Diamond Photography on April 6, 2010 at 6pm at Art Explorers in South Tampa for my workshop on how to take better pictures of your children.  No need for a fancy camera.  This workshop will give you some tips on how to create better images of your kids in between your professional portrait sessions with some tricks that the pros use.  Call the studio at 813.503.5056 or...

How Sweet It Is! – Tampa Photograpy Gift Certificates

The ole' blog is FINALLY back up- so sorry for the downtime!  In my upgrade process, it seems there were some snafu's and down it went!  I never realized how much it was read until it went down and the rash of panicked e-mails came in- ha!  OK, maybe not panicked- just concerned.  Anywho, it is back up and how sweet it is!  So to celebrate, here is a little something I  have going on at Godiva at International Plaza tomorrow:Hope you can...

Tampa Wedding Photography of Nicole + Arthur!

They met in college at St. Leo, and their love has not stopped growing ever since.  When I listened to the speeches at Nicole and Arthur's wedding, I got all choked up.  The sentiments were true, real, and sincere.  I felt it, and so did everyone else in the room.  The wedding that was months and months in the making was finally here- and these two could not have been more thrilled.I know this will make Arlene smile (Art's mom is so into...

Tampa Newborn Photos of Baby Lily!

Just as cute and as sweet as she could be, Lily is here to be adored by her whole family- especially big sis, Chloe!  Funny story with this newborn session.  As with many parents of newborns, you tend to be in a bit of a fog.  Michael pulled up to the front door of my studio to let Courtney and Chloe out the the car and then went to park. Well, I guess in his daze, he did not realize that he had Lily in the car with him still.  We watched...

813-503-5056 305 S MacDill Ave, Tampa, Florida 33609