Senior Portrait Sessions

Your high school senior year is such an important milestone in your life and it is always exciting for us to capture those moments. During a senior portrait session with Andi Diamond Photography, we want to really bring out our seniors’ personalities and showcase what makes them unique. From wardrobe to location, each session is catered to what they like stylistically (with a little guidance from us, of course). The tradition of senior...

Wedding Inspiration: Highlighting Your Wedding Cake

In one of our previous wedding inspiration posts we talked about the importance and benefit of uplighting at a wedding reception. Today, we want to take that one step further and talk about specifically lighting up the most delicious part of the reception..the cake! A lot of time, planning, and money goes into a wedding cake, so why not showcase it in the best way possible. Creating a table with ample lighting will not only give your cake more...

813-503-5056 305 S MacDill Ave, Tampa, Florida 33609