New Websites for Andi Diamond Photography

It has been a long overdue, labor of love and I am jumping out of my skin with excitement to share my new And Diamond Photography websites.  Hopefully I am not the only photographer who finds this task completely daunting and overwhelming- scouring through tens of thousands of wedding, portrait, and high school senior images trying to select those that represent my current style, showcase a blended variety, and create a site that truly...

Tampa Photographer’s Fun Fact Friday

In the spotlight for this week's "Fun Fact Friday" is the boss lady herself, Andi Diamond! I have to admit, when she told me what she wanted me to write for this week I was mildly disgusted and intrigued at the same time. Andi is not one who likes to keep many secrets about her favorite things, and lucky for us she is telling one today. The pièce de résistance, her Ped Egg! Wait, what? Yes, you heard me right, the #1 selling callus remover is...

Tampa Photography Workshop= Success!

On August 14 Carrie Wildes and I welcomed a group of local Tampa area photographers to Datz Deli to ELEVATE their photography businesses.  It was day of learning, math, self actualization, and yummy Datz delicious food!  Our goal was to empower our attendees with the necessary tools  to run successful photography businesses.  Through education and peer support the class was armed with the know-how of what it takes to make their numbers work...

813-503-5056 305 S MacDill Ave, Tampa, Florida 33609