Tampa Children Photographer Captures Joyful Ava!

Meet Ava and her mommy, Jocie, and daddy, Shane.  Ava is 10 months old and on-the-go.  So much so, that she actually started walking in my studio at her portrait session!  What a great moment for me to be a part of!  She is full of joy- and so are her parents!  I always love when I click with my clients, and I really felt that way with Jocie and Shane!I am so glad to have met you, F. family!  I am looking forward to Ava's 1 year portrait...

Newborn Photos of Ella…the Diva

OK, so to make this clear "I" do not think Ella is a diva....those are her mommy's words!  In her cute southern accent, she told me "I have a diva on my hands, Andi".  But I guess when you think about it, don't we all start off as divas?  If getting a ton of attention, all of our every wants and needs taken care of by someone else, and constantly fawned over makes an adult a diva...then sure!  I guess it is safe to say that most baby girls...

Baby Photos of Michael in our South Tampa Studio

There is definitely something in the water...or a full moon....because it seems like 90% of all my clients have recently given birth (OK...so I am exaggerating...but you get my point! ha!)  Meet Michael!  Though he made his entry into the word with a little bit of a stubborn streak (would you say so, Barbara and Andrew?), I think his mommy and daddy quickly got over that and have embraced every second of their new baby boy!  Michael also...

Tampa Photographer Creates the K. Family’s Canvas Wall

I love when clients decorate their home with artwork created in their portrait sessions.  My philosophy is- you are going to decorate you home and pay for artwork anyway...so it should something meaningful and valuable- like your family and your children.  I also love to decorate with canvases.  They are such unique, beautiful pieces.  Here are some images that Vicky took of her canvases that she recently ordered.  They are displayed in her...

Tampa Photographer Captures Sunshine, Happiness, and Ava…

That's what this portrait session was made of!  Ava's 6 month portrait session was in my studio, so her mommy decided to take her one year session on location.  We started early- because after all....it is summer....in Florida!  I was so thrilled that Ava's grandma came along for our session, too!And nothing beats a little girl in her tutu (from Smarty Pants!)  I love Ava's range of emotions!As always, I adore working with you, Susan, and...

813-503-5056 andi@andidiamond.com 305 S MacDill Ave, Tampa, Florida 33609