Tampa Children Photographer Captures Joyful Ava!

Meet Ava and her mommy, Jocie, and daddy, Shane.  Ava is 10 months old and on-the-go.  So much so, that she actually started walking in my studio at her portrait session!  What a great moment for me to be a part of!  She is full of joy- and so are her parents!  I always love when I click with my clients, and I really felt that way with Jocie and Shane!I am so glad to have met you, F. family!  I am looking forward to Ava's 1 year portrait...

Newborn Photos of Ella…the Diva

OK, so to make this clear "I" do not think Ella is a diva....those are her mommy's words!  In her cute southern accent, she told me "I have a diva on my hands, Andi".  But I guess when you think about it, don't we all start off as divas?  If getting a ton of attention, all of our every wants and needs taken care of by someone else, and constantly fawned over makes an adult a diva...then sure!  I guess it is safe to say that most baby girls...

Tampa Photographer Captures Sunshine, Happiness, and Ava…

That's what this portrait session was made of!  Ava's 6 month portrait session was in my studio, so her mommy decided to take her one year session on location.  We started early- because after all....it is summer....in Florida!  I was so thrilled that Ava's grandma came along for our session, too!And nothing beats a little girl in her tutu (from Smarty Pants!)  I love Ava's range of emotions!As always, I adore working with you, Susan, and...

Tampa Newborn Photos – Welcome to the world, Meara!

It feels so good to post something good on my blog.  After the last 2 weeks, little Miss Meara is the perfect way to get back on track with teaser images for my clients and blog stalkers! Newborns make their mommies and daddies happy (that's a given, right?).  They make me happy.  They just make people happy.  When was the last time you saw a tiny, little baby while you were at the mall, and did not smile?!  They are so full of life, joy,...

813-503-5056 andi@andidiamond.com 305 S MacDill Ave, Tampa, Florida 33609