Andi Diamond Photography’s New Blog Under Construction…

Do things look a a little different around here?  They do for me, too!  I have upgraded my blog and the process of getting everything jut how I want it might take me a bit (which is really no shocker to me as I am not very technically inclined!  ha!).  But at least I did not delete my whole blog (like what almost happened a couple weeks ago).  As for now, check out the "more info" tab over on the left for a link to my Facebook Fan page. ...

I LOVE cookies….really!

So you have probably heard this urban legend but the cookies are so good and I thought it was worth sharing.  Anyone who brings me some will get a $100 print credit (I really LOVE cookies!)  :)  Here is the story: A little background: Neiman-Marcus, if you don't know already, is a very expensive store; they sell your typical $8.00 T-shirt for $90.00. My daughter and I had just finished a salad at a Neiman-Marcus Cafe In Dallas, and we decided...

How Sweet It Is! – Tampa Photograpy Gift Certificates

The ole' blog is FINALLY back up- so sorry for the downtime!  In my upgrade process, it seems there were some snafu's and down it went!  I never realized how much it was read until it went down and the rash of panicked e-mails came in- ha!  OK, maybe not panicked- just concerned.  Anywho, it is back up and how sweet it is!  So to celebrate, here is a little something I  have going on at Godiva at International Plaza tomorrow:Hope you can...

Tampa Photo Specials at ADP in Tampa…Free Artwork!

So thrilled to announce that Andi Diamond Photography will be at International Plaza this Friday through Sunday!  Such a big honor and huge stepping stone for my business.  I am super excited and hope to see many of my current (and future) clients there :)  My booth with be right by the children's play area.  Stop by to visit me or Brittany any time.  All of my current clients will get a special little surprise! Newly booked portrait...

813-503-5056 305 S MacDill Ave, Tampa, Florida 33609